Paddling Bear

Wild Rice IPA

We’ve been lingering over fond memories of summer camping trips, devising a brew that captures those moments in craft beer. A brew that’ll bring us back to that last BWCAW trip, the tall pine forests, the cool breeze off the lake, the flowering heads of wild rice at the waters edge, and the great relief felt as we watched a giant black bear walk through camp, sniff around, and then take off, leaving our food bag alone. Cheers to the creatures of the north woods! May this beer, with its nutty smokiness, floral and earthy hop flavors remind you of the clear waters and the deep woods, but hopefully not the mosquitoes.


Portaging, topographic maps, and the versatility of sierra cups


Fermentables : Pale, Caramel 60, Carapils, Wild Rice

Hops Varieties : Golding, Willamette